HOw to Guide
Website Documentation – How to manage your new Liss Llewellyn site. Your how to guide to each section on your website. Use the navigation on the left to quickly find any query you might have.
Saving States
Logging In
Reseting password
Adding a new user
Media Library
The Media page is used to manage uploads (images, audio, video, PDFs and other files). Under the Media menu, there are two screens. The first screen Library lists all the files in the media library. These files can be edited and deleted from the library. The second screen is Add New, which allows users to upload files. Remember users can also upload media (images, videos, etc) while writing a post or page. However, the Add New link under allows users to upload files without attaching them to a specific post or page.
Accessing your media library
Adding Images
There are two ways to add a new media asset (image, PDF etc) into the system via the media page.
Uploading assets Route 1
- One way of inserting a new media asset is to simply at the top of the media page, click on the ‘Add new’ button.
- Once clicked a drop down window appears with the option to Drop files to upload or select files. Here you can simple drag a file from your computer to this box area to upload or you can select the file you want to upload by directing to the files location using your finder windows on a Mac, or via your windows on a PC.
Uploading assets Route 2
- The easier approach to add a new image is to drag your media asset file to the media page. This will change your window screen to the below simply drop your media asset in here and it’ll now be in the system.
File Naming
- Artists Profile Pictures – Firstname-Surname.jpg
- Pictures – Artistsfirstname-artistssurname-picturetitle.jpg
Adding a new Artist
To add a new Artist you must be first logged into the admin area. To access the online form to create your new artist click on ‘add new‘ in the artist section on your admin dashboard or by hovering over artists in the left hand menu followed by clicking on Add New.The new artist form
Below is the new artist form in the admin area where you can fill in the details to create a new artist online. For each field represented here there is a short description under the label to help you understand and fill in the required details. Below this image I’ve gone into describing each section a bit more in detail individually. Just a reminder to keep saving your the work as you work through. If you do make any misstakes you can revert back through the history section. To save you work (In section marked 19) you can save what you have done on the page as a draft to come back to later. This also keeps the Artist offline. Or you can publish your artist which sets the Artist to show online. To preview and see how your new artist or any artist edits looks like in the the front-end click on the preview button there. Section by section description:-
Artist Name
This is the title of the artist page your creating therefore the title will be the Artists’ full name. -
Artist’s Profile Pic
This is the title of the artist page your creating therefore the title will be the Artists’ full name. -
Artist’s First Name
Artists first name/forename/christian name -
Artist’s Last Name
Artists last name/surname/family name -
Artist’s Dates
Artists Dates in the following format with no brackets either side YYYY – YYYY -
Artist’s Gender
Use the drop-down menu to select Male, Female or Gender nonconforming -
Artist is Rome Scholar
Mark this checkbox as ticked if the artist is a Rome Scholar -
Artist’s Description
Enter the Artist’s Description in the text area here. Use the toolbar provided for full formating control from setting text styling such as bold and italic to adding bullet points or numbered lists. Hover over any icon to see a description of the tools action if selected. -
Artist’s – Assign to Picture
Here you can assign any picture thats been created to the artist. In the example below I’ve searched for the picture ‘The twins’. Once you’ve found the picture you want to assign to the artist to simply click on the picture. This will then move the selected picture in the right hand column and is therefore assigned to the artist. To remove any selected picture simply click on the ‘-‘ icon to remove. -
Artist’s – Assign to Publication
Here you can assign any publication thats been created to the artist. In the example below I’ve searched for the publiction ‘art faith’ with has revealed the publication Art, Faith & Modernity. Once you’ve found the publication you want to assign to the artist to simply click on the publication. This will then move the selected publication in the right hand column and is therefore assigned to the artist. To remove any selected publication simply click on the ‘-‘ icon to remove. -
Artist’s – Assign to Online Exhibition
Here you can assign any Online Exhibition thats been created to the artist. In the example below I’ve selected the for the Online Exhibition ‘Alan Sorrel: A life Reconstructed’ as the Online Exhibition I want to assign to the Artist. Once you’ve selected the Online Exhibition you want to assign to the artist this will then move the selected Online Exhibition in the right hand column and is therefore assigned to the artist. To remove any selected Online Exhibition simply click on the ‘-‘ icon to remove. -
Artist’s – Assign to Museum Exhibition
Here you can assign any Online Exhibition thats been created to the artist. In the example below I’ve selected the for the Online Exhibition ‘Art, faith & Modernity’ as the Online Exhibition I want to assign to the Artist. Once you’ve selected the Museum Exhibition you want to assign to the artist this will then move the selected Museum Exhibition in the right hand column and is therefore assigned to the artist. To remove any selected Museum Exhibition simply click on the ‘-‘ icon to remove. -
Artist’s – Bio Source
Information entered here is private and not shown on the front-end of the site. This field has been carried over from the old site and has the same purpose. -
Artist’s – Bio Text
Information entered here is private and not shown on the front-end of the site. This field has been carried over from the old site and has the same purpose. -
Artist’s – Notes
Information entered here is private and not shown on the front-end of the site. This field has been carried over from the old site and has the same purpose. -
Featured image
For now use the same image as the artists profile picture. This field here is used for SEO purposes. -
Product Categories
You can now start to assign picture categories to Artists or even create a new category bu clicking on the underlined text +Add new category. -
Deploy to sites
This assigns the artist to the different sites as per the old site. Please make sure one of these is selected. -
Publish / Saving / Previewing
In this section you can save the work you have done on the page as a draft to come back to later. This also keeps the Artist offline. Or you can publish your artist which sets the Artist to show online. To preview and see how your new artist or any artist edits looks like in the the front-end click on the preview button here.
Editing an Artist
Editing an artist thats already live
To edit an artist thats already live you can simply go to that artist page on the live website and as log as your already logged in to the admin section you can simply click on the Edit Artist text on the top admin bar.
Editing an artist thats set to draft (offline)
To edit an artist thats currently saved as a ‘draft‘ therefore offline. You’ll need to go to the artist listing page in the admin section. To get there either click on the ‘Edit Artist‘ link on your opening login dashboard or click on the Artist menu item on the left sidebar as shown below.