Notre-Dame and le Pont de l’Achevêché, oil on paper, 33 x 55.9 cm
© The Artist’s Estate c/o Liss Llewellyn Fine Art
Charles Cundall 1890-1971
Edited by Sacha Llewellyn and Paul Liss
(Liss Llewellyn Fine Art (www.llfa.gallery), £25)
“Twentieth-century Grand Tour”: Notre-Dame and le Pont de l’Achevêché is one of many Continental scenes by the subject of Charles Cundall 1890-1971, edited by Sacha Llewellyn and Paul Liss, which accompanies an exhibition of the artist’s work at Sotheran’s, 2-5 Sackville Street, London W1, until Saturday 7 May (and online at www.llfa.gallery) (Liss Llewellyn Fine Art, £25, ISBN: 978-0-9567139-8-8) The fine colour plates include, nearer to home, wartime and industrial scenes and his portrayal of the opening of Coventry Cathedral.