The Art of War Colin Gleadell
Already up and running is The Great War, an exhibition of more than 200 examples of war-time art
assembled over a 10-year period by Liss Fine Art and David Cohen Fine Art, and presented at the
Morley Gallery, a former pub in Lambeth, a stone’s throw from the museum. Taking an encyclopaedic, al-
most sociological, approach, the organisers have combined fine art (paintings, drawings and prints) with
what they call “popular” art (postcards, documentary photographs pottery and such), and divided them
into three sections: Combat, The Home Front, and The Aftermath, with 14 subheadings: Air, Sea, Land,
Propaganda and so on. Presented as a non-commercial, museum-style exhibition, its contents will be
for sale only when they move to the Strand Gallery near Charing Cross as part of an even larger war-art
exhibition in November. Prices will range from £30 for a postcard to more than £100,000 for paintings by
the best-known artists.
G. Boudard, Le retour de la chasse, 1916