After the Second World War Freedman became The technical director of Lyons Tea Shops.
Commissioning artists like LS Lowry ,Edward Bawden, John Piper, John Minton and Edward Ardizzone, Freedman oversaw a series of 40 different lithographs which were used to decorate the shops. Freedman contributed three pictures to the series: People,1947; Music 1951 and The Window Box, 1954
In 1953, for the coronation of Elizabeth II, Freedman accepted a commission to design banners to dress the windows of the teashops. He gave meticulous instructions as to how these were to be displayed ‚Äì often alongside larger versions of the same ‘God Save Our Queen’ banners which were displayed on nearby advertising hoardings. The set being offered for sale here ‚Äì in pristine condition ‚Äì is believed to be the only complete set to have survived outside institutional collections.